Get to Know Susan
Susan has developed talent and performance management processes for more than 16,000 employees, facilitated national action planning, and strategized and led the Talent and Executive Coaching division of a 21-location national firm.
Susan has vast experience in strengths-based coaching, several behavioral assessments such as The Harrison Assessment, Myers-Briggs, and DiSC; as well as 360 tools such as the Leadership Circle™. She will often incorporate these into her coaching to support the client’s journey.
Susan has pioneered and led large scale programs and provides insight to leaders and organizations who value a true, data and human centric approach. She thrives on celebrating and maximizing both the obvious and subtle aspects of belonging, and on driving corporate and human systems that allow for each person to feel seen and valued.
Susan firmly believes that leadership is a mindset and a way of being, rather than a title. She excels at coaching at all levels to gain clarity, develop logical and realistic action plans, and remove barriers to making authentic and lasting behavioral shifts. She engages in ongoing education and leadership research, as well as her own personal growth and wellbeing to be an informed, resourceful, and empathetic partner to her clients.